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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"i" for innovate

As I have hinted before, somehow I aimed to move to some sunny place in California. Well, lucky as we could be, after days of experiencing the transient stage (with tons of good and bad experiences, what a roller-coaster), we slowly settle in San Diego, (arguably) a beautiful place to live. The proof is the following picture, basically I can enjoy watching sunset from our balcony every day when the weather permits (it does usually).

sunset from the balcony

Few weeks ago, I started a new position within Qualcomm Innovation Center Inc., specifically in the new Web Technologies team. This center is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Qualcomm, one of the top 10 semiconductor sales leaders last year. The official party line of Qualcomm Innovation Center is best understood by what our president, Rob Chandhok, has expressed once: focus on such important open source initiatives as Linux and Webkit, and on open source operating systems such as Symbian, Android and Chrome.


Of course, faithful followers of my blog can quickly point out that this whole thing is just a cover-up for the real motive: the strong desire to live in a perfect symmetry :)

the best juice on earth

In addition, to convince you that the alignment of the planet has been planned for this, surely you know (perfectly) where the upcoming Camp KDE will be held?

See you in 2 weeks. Happy 0x7da!