Showing up at this year's Camp KDE feels a bit weird. First of all, because I do not need to travel at all since I already moved to San Diego some time ago. In addition to that, while I was still with Nokia (Qt), usually I could only attend conferences only if I have something to present. It is a great relief not to worry about my own talks and just enjoy the event.
There were few talks today. As you can guess, you can pretty much follow them if you keep an eye on #campkde tweets and/or follow Planet KDE these days.

The keynote was from Professor Bourne, he had a presentation about open access to data, in particular in the field of science (in his example, pharmaceutical sciences), such as the initiatives with protein databank, Public Library of Science, SciVee. I fully agree with his opinions in this matter, especially since they resemble some of my observations when I was doing my graduate research years ago. In particular, "publish or perish" could potentially destroy the sharing spirit of researches. I do believe that competition is good, but I also do strongly believe that science is about sharing.
I hope more people will show up tomorrow. The sunset here is so fantastic, you just have to experience it yourself.

To be continued (to day 2).