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Sunday, February 28, 2010

(q)palette viewer

Qt documentation mentions QPalette as the class that contains color groups, Active, Inactive, and Disabled, for each widget state. Knowing the color for many different color roles is important. For example, a style author might want to tweak the colors of each buttons depending on QPalette::Button, QPalette::ButtonText, QPalette::Highlight and likely play with the shades and the saturation. There are probably few different ways to get the RGB values of those colores, here I show one of them: using a small tool that display all the color roles for active, inactive and disabled states:

And here how it looks like on Nokia N900:

The code is in the X2 repository, check the sub-directory widget/palview. A possible exercise for the brave reader: allow the user to choose other color spaces such as HSL or HSV.

Have fun with the colors!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

web browser and touch device: problem with links

Time for X2 premier, like I promised before.

Like what every interface designer would tell you, you can't just reuse desktop user interface to your mobile version of the application and pray that the application will be useable. Here is an example. In a web browser designed for a mobile device armed with a touchscreen, the typical mapping the touch coordinate to the usual mouse event presents a problem because seems every screen has its own accuracy and precision problem. Sometimes it's hard trying to visit a link, merely because it is not possible to hit the link properly with your finger.

The solution seems to be quite (ridiculously) easy. Instead of trying to find what is exactly under your finger (point of contact with the screen), let's also probe the area in the nearby. If there is a link very close to it, then assume the user wants to go there, she just misses the link accidently by a few pixels. If there are multiple links, then pick the nearest one.

I have written a very short example, using Qt 4.6 (or later), based on QtWebKit, to demonstrate this workaround. Check the code in the X2 repository under the directory webkit/probelink. It might not work on web pages with multiple frames, but at least you got the basic idea. The chosen link is even highlighted before the browser loads it, just like in the screenshot above.

Next week, or the week after, let's see another simple example which implements something like Opera Fingertouch.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

introducing X2

I know the number of Qt experts out there is growing (like crazy). Still, I believe we should do more to help people master this great framework. I am aware that I might bore you with few Qt code examples I did last year or even the year before, but somehow I feel that I won't do no harm if I keep sharing new stuff I learn every now and then (especially since now I got a new toy). And maybe it's not too bad if I change this blog tagline to "don't code today what you can't share tomorrow" :)

Since I am not with Nokia/Qt anymore, I also left the Graphics Dojo corner behind. I decide to publish my new and upcoming Qt examples under a new moniker: X2 from Ofi Labs. The two Xs there stand technically for eXperiments and eXamples, though X2 only sounds cool (even if that X-Men movie would not exist) and I prefer it that way. The name "Ofi Labs" will require a longer explanation, which I rather not elaborate right now.

The git repository for X2 is at In the next few days, watch this space for the first few examples.

Meanwhile, enjoy the logo. If you are an artist, feel free to propose a new and better logo!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

distcc, VirtualBox, NAT

The following scenario is quite typical. Your family member, spouse, or coworker has this fantastic, powerful, brand-new multicore machine which, for some reasons, has to run Windows or Mac OS X. On the other hand, you probably have some el-cheapo laptop which is also wonderful but it lacks the processing power to do heavy-duty build and compile. Now, what if you can exploit the other box for a distributed compile? Especially if the powerful box seems to be idle once a while, doing nothing.

Many of you already figure it out the solution: let's install Linux on a virtual machine and use tools like distcc or icecream. In fact, this is quite easy to do. I managed to find out the details, even if I have only little idea about network stuff.

Side note: I don't see why icecream would not work. But since I did try distcc, that's what I wrote below.

For the following explanation, refer to the above exemplary network setup. Basically I run virtualized openSUSE inside VirtualBox. You don't even need a full-blown graphical system, you can create a customized openSUSE installation (no X11 but with some development tools like make, gcc, g++, etc) using SUSE Studio.

First of all, we need to configure VirtualBox to do port forwarding. If you read the manual, you see that the default networking is NAT, which is what we use, along with extra forwarded ports. To do this, run the following on the command prompt (in your installation folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\Sun\VirtualBox for Windows, tweak for Mac OS X), changing openSUSE with the name of your virtual machine:

VBoxManage.exe setextradata "openSUSE" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/distcc/HostPort" 3632
VBoxManage.exe setextradata "openSUSE" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/distcc/GuestPort" 3632
VBoxManage.exe setextradata "openSUSE" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/distcc/Protocol" TCP
VBoxManage.exe setextradata "openSUSE" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/HostPort" 2222
VBoxManage.exe setextradata "openSUSE" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/GuestPort" 22
VBoxManage.exe setextradata "openSUSE" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/Protocol" TCP

The last 3 lines are not important for distcc itself, however it's quite handy since you will be able to ssh to the machine (on the port 2222, i.e. the forwarded one and not port 22) and start or stop distcc remotely.

Side note: I was told that bridged networking mode should work as well (even without the hassle of port forwarding). However, I did not manage to make it working in my setup.

In addition, tweak the settings of your virtual machine so you get more than one CPU cores. For example, on a quad-core machine, giving the virtualized openSUSE two or three cores might be better, considered if the host system does not run need all that burning power.

Next step is to install distcc both on the virtualized openSUSE (anjali) and your laptop (latika). The easiest way is to use the one click install feature, just go to, click on Package Search, type in distcc and press Enter and then install both distcc and distcc-server. To do it manually, add to your repositories and install using:

sudo zypper in distcc distcc-server

After that, on anjali, run the following (as normal user, no need to sudo/root):

/usr/sbin/distccd --daemon --allow

Now on your own machine, latika in the above example, set first where you want to distribute the compile:

export DISTCC_HOSTS='anjali,lzo'

If you want, do this in your .bashrc or shell startup script for your convenient.

Compiling and building a project is now as easy as replacing the plain make command with:

make -j4 CC=distcc CXX=distcc

For troubleshooting, run distccmon-text 3 (nice for static logging) or watch distccmon-text (useful for real-time view).

Supposed another machine, e.g. naina, wants to join the party, just do the same steps. Don't forget to adjust DISTCC_HOSTS so that the compile will be distributed also to naina.

That's it! For more info (I barely scratch the surface) and better optimization, refer to the manpage of distcc and distccd.

Now the (trivia) question is, the host that runs anjali, who do you think he is? :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

new laptop, free yourself!

The other day, I couldn't resist buying the el-cheapo Athlon 1.6 GHz-powered Acer Aspire 5532 in BestBuy for $330. With its 15.6 inch screen, seems that it is quite a nice bargain. It comes (of course) with Windows 7 Home Premium, but after slapping openSUSE 11.2 DVD I got from the last Camp KDE (must be from Will, thanks dude!) and a bunch of keystrokes, a few hours later the machine happily runs the shiny KDE 4.4. Sound was not a problem, even WiFi was easy to get it working (hard to believe that after all these years, NetworkManager still does not work for me, maybe my bad karma). The included radeonhd driver is good enough for its Radeon HD 3200 (RS780M chipset), but for the sake of testing, I did install ATI fglrx 7.4 10.1 and, voila, I got flawless KWin desktop effects. Even proprietary stuff like Opera, Skype, and Flash plugin faced no serious problem as well.

Time for some fun hacking! :)

Obligatory click-to-enlarge desktop snapshot follows: